Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County is a 501(c)3 organization focused on helping any and all veterans in Archuleta County and the surrounding areas.
Veterans Resources
If you are experiencing a medical emergency: CALL 911.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis:
Confidential National Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 (press 1 )
If you are a veteran and are in need of assistance of any kind:
Veterans for Veterans Hotline: 970-799-8387
The assistance is offered throughout southwest Colorado.
A new program for 2018 is the Veterans Outdoor Recreational Therapy Project. Visit their new site here: Working in conjunction with Wilderness Journeys, Veterans Outdoor Recreational Therapy Project provides an opportunity for veterans to recreate and reconnect in a beautiful setting. Visit recreational opportunities here: For further information please contact
Additional Info
Veterans for Veterans of Archuleta County is a 501(c)3 organization focused on helping any and all veterans in Archuleta County and the surrounding areas.
If you are experiencing a mental health crisis: Confidential National Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255 (press 1 )
If you are a veteran and are in need of assistance of any kind:
Veterans for Veterans Hotline: 970-799-8387
The assistance is offered throughout southwest Colorado.
A new program for 2018 is the Veterans Outdoor Recreational Therapy Project. Working in conjunction with Wilderness Journeys, Veterans Outdoor Recreational Therapy Project provides an opportunity for veterans to recreate and reconnect in a beautiful setting.