Pagosa Springs Chamber of Commerce

Membership Application Form 2023


Thank you for joining the Pagosa Springs Area Chamber of Commerce.  Joining is a great way to support our local community, businesses and issues that affect us on a local and statewide level. Keep in mind that a 3% convenience fee for online registration is already included in the listed price.      

Don't forget to sign up for one of our Maximizing Your Membership classes.  This is an excellent way to find out about your membership benefits and speak with our Executive Director personally to get your questions answered.  

Also, attending one of our Business Happy Hour events will give your business name recognition.  It gives the other business owners a chance to get to know you and find out what you have to offer. Don't forget to bring your business cards!  Great networking opportunity.

We look forward to meeting you.  We appreciate your membership!

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Please select a valid membership option and fee item if exist
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